Tuesday, November 21, 2017

The Female Furies

If you had told Kalibak the Cruel that one day WizKids would  release a Heroclix set with thirteen Apokolips keyworded figs, he would choke the life out of a Hunger Dog with joy. The closest Kalibak ever got to an Apokolips set was SUPERMAN AND THE LEGION OF SUPER-HEROES about four years ago, which was alright, but it didn't light Kalibak's piss on fire.

What really makes this Heroclix set great, is NOT that it is named after girl-clown, but it has thirteen Apokolips figures, most of which have never been clixed in the fifteen years Kalibak has been stealing boosters! Kalibak doubts we will see its like again!  >:-(

This set had a large number of the Female Furies in it. The Furies are sometime friends, and sometime foes of the New Gods, particularly Mister Miracle. He married one of them so he should have seen that coming. Really, that's on him. Although the figure scale is off from figure to figure, and the paint looks to be applied with a severed ear, the poses of the Furies are very well done. WizKids, you done "ok" by Kalibak this time.